Hamvention 2024: Uniting the World of Amateur Radio

This article serves as both a reminder and an informative guide about the upcoming Hamvention 2024, detailing its significance, the theme of "Expanding Our Community," and key event information for amateur radio enthusiasts.


Ham Radar

3/25/20243 min read

As the annual beacon for ham radio enthusiasts, Hamvention 2024 is almost upon us, scheduled for May 17-19 at the Greene County Fair and Expo Center. This event not only serves as a pivotal gathering for the global amateur radio community but also acts as a grand stage for this year's ARRL National Convention. Whether you're a seasoned operator or newly intrigued by the world of amateur radio, Hamvention offers a unique blend of tradition, innovation, and camaraderie that's not to be missed.

What is Hamvention?

For the uninitiated, Hamvention is more than just an event; it's a tradition that dates back to 1952, making it a historical cornerstone of the amateur radio world. Originally sparked by the vision of John Willig, W8ACE, and brought to life through the support of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA), it has grown from a modest gathering to the world's largest amateur radio assembly.

Hamvention has become synonymous with innovation, learning, and community. Its move to the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center marked a new chapter, offering even more space for exhibits, forums, and the ever-popular flea market. The event's essence lies in its ability to foster a sense of community among ham radio operators, providing a platform for learning, sharing, and expanding the amateur radio hobby.

Expanding Our Community: The 2024 Theme

This year's theme, "Expanding Our Community," encapsulates the spirit of amateur radio. It's a call to action for every 'Elmer' (a term used for a radio mentor) to nurture the hobby by sharing their knowledge and passion. The theme encourages exploration across various dimensions such as electronic knowledge, new communication modes, emergency communication requirements, and the integration of unrelated fields that enhance radio communication.

The focus on expansion is not just about increasing numbers but enriching the experience and skill set of each community member. It’s about looking beyond the conventional boundaries of the hobby and embracing opportunities for growth and innovation.

Highlights of Hamvention 2024

  • ARRL National Convention: This partnership brings an array of esteemed speakers and learning opportunities, making it a must-attend for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of amateur radio.

  • Schedule and Location: The event is spread across three days, from May 17th to 19th, with doors opening at 9:00 AM each day (closing at 5:00 PM on Friday and Saturday, and 1:00 PM on Sunday). It’s all happening at the Greene County Fair and Expo Center, located at 210 Fairground Road, Xenia, Ohio.

  • Tickets: Available online or at the door, with prices set at $26 for advanced registration and $30 for on-site purchases. Special provisions are made for students, emphasizing the event's commitment to engaging the next generation of amateur radio enthusiasts.

  • Activities: From forums and special speakers to the vast flea market, Hamvention offers a diverse array of attractions. The prize drawing is another highlight, with admission tickets doubling as entries.

A Call to Action

As Hamvention 2024 approaches, it’s a timely reminder for the amateur radio community to rally together, not just in celebration of our shared passion but in a concerted effort to expand and enrich our collective experience. Whether through engaging with newcomers, experimenting with new technologies, or simply sharing stories with fellow enthusiasts, each interaction adds a valuable thread to the rich tapestry of amateur radio.

For those yet to dive into the world of amateur radio, Hamvention presents an unparalleled opportunity to explore, learn, and connect with like-minded individuals. It’s a chance to see firsthand the innovation, dedication, and community spirit that define amateur radio.

Whether you’re planning to attend in person or follow the event from afar, Hamvention 2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience. Let’s embrace this opportunity to expand our community, share our knowledge, and celebrate the enduring spirit of amateur radio. See you there!